Animals never cease to fascinate us. We often forget that we live in a world filled with amazing animals. Every creature in the animal kingdom has its own unique traits that we identify with. However, like humans, you can never judge an animal by it’s appearance. If you did, you’d be surprised on learning how deceptive looks can be.
Could you even imagine that a 500 lbs bear can run as fast as a horse or that humans in 3000 BC kept cheetahs as hunting pets! Here are 12 interesting animal facts that are guaranteed to blow your mind away!
Grizzly bears can run as fast as a horse. That’s 30 miles/hour!

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95% of a jellyfish’s body is water. So they evaporate when placed under the sun!

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More than 99% of all species that have ever lived on planet earth since the beginning of time are now extinct.

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Woodpecker’s pecking speed is 20 pecks/second. That amounts to 1200 pecks/minute. Ouch!

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Cheetahs were trained by men as hunting pets since 3000 BC.

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A hippo attracts its mate by urinating and defecating.

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Chameleons can rotate both their eyes to get a full 360-degree arc of vision.

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Killer whales are not ‘whales’ at all. They are actaually a species of dolphins.

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A single cow gives upto 200,000 glasses of milk in its entire lifetime.

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A goldfish turns pale in color when placed in a dark room.

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There are a million ants per living human on earth at any given point of time.

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A giraffe has no vocal chords.

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Animals really are amazing! Aren’t they? If you know of any crazy animal facts, write them below in the comments section. You can also connect with us on Facebook and twitter.