The Arctic cycle is one of the last frontiers yet exploited by Man. Drilling on the Arctic cycle will make the Arctic wildlife very vulnerable in case there are any spills and other dangers associated with oil exploration.
Many bird species, seals, and whales migrate to the Arctic during the summer months. Other animals such as polar bears, and Arctic Foxes that relies on the coastal and marine resource of the Arctic to survive will be affected too. In a bid to stop this, Thirty Green Peace activist staged a protest against the Gazprom Arctic drilling platform Prirazlomnaya on 18th September. Unfortunately, the Russian administration seized their ship on gun point, and the activists are likely to be charged for 15-years if convicted of piracy.
If you are against, the drilling of the Arctic cycle, and you want the 30 activist to be freed, send a letter to your country’s Russian ambassador. Sign this petition:
Free the 30 Green Peace activist
The following are some of the beautiful animals that will be affected if Drilling of oil is allowed to proceed:

The Caribou

The Polar Bear

Arctic Wolf

The Beluga Whale

The Wolverine

The Arctic Tern
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