What Is It? “Cat Island,” officially known as “Tashiro Island” is an island near Ishinomaki City in Miyagi Prefecture… and yes, to answer your one burning question… it’s covered in cats. Check out this Google Maps satellite view of the island. In all seriousness, though, it can be accessed via ferry. You can get from… Read More
Posts Categorized: Pet Animals
These fashionable felines are more than ready for the cat walk as they proudly display the new winter collection of fashion house, United Bamboo. The label’s designer and creative director, Miho Aoki, got the idea to put together the feline range after discovering his pet kitten, TG, had a penchant for high fashion. Source
Earlier this month, Sweden’s Parken Zoo welcomed two new Sand Cat kittens. Small and stocky, the Sand Cat’s oversized ears help to dissipate heat and detect prey scurrying along the sand, much like the Fennec Fox. Watching the curious kittens exploring their enclosure can’t help but make you think of their domestic cousins. Photo Credits: Mats… Read More
Many people think that a cat is more exotic and fancy but I am here to inform you that you shouldn’t believe a word those crazy cat lovers say because dogs make the world go round here are 10 reasons why dogs are better then cats. SHARETWEETPIN ME 1. You can train a dog better… Read More
Not everyone wants a cat or a dog. Of course we love them a lot, but sometimes people want a little something different, unusual and a bit dangerous.
This woman is probably the most extreme animal fan in the world to get such an unusual and unpredictable pet. Even her child couldn’t stop her from getting this creature… Source
…have taken to hunting for field mice, bringing them indoors healthy and undamaged and putting them in the living room. The mice can’t climb out, of course, but they can race from one end to the other fast enough to make catching them very difficult.
Abi and Matt Purser, the owners of this five-star pet hotel, have always believed cats deserve the same attention and care as their owners, and that’s how the idea for their business was born. Now, while their human owners are getting pampered on some exotic island, their cat enjoys the same star treatment at the… Read More
A resident of Florida, Craig Grant on ten acres of land with his own hands built this city for cats. There are small houses, town hall, and even a pond with a water mill but now Caboodle Ranch is home for over 500 happy cats. .
Big dog, small dog: If two dogs are living in the same house, a hierarchy will develop between them. Being in a more elevated position gives the “top” dog the advantage and this is frequently used during disputes so that the leader can gain control over the situation again. Often times, the physically smaller animal… Read More