Scientific studies on animal behavior is largely a male dominated field. That said, two females  stand out with respect to Primatology: Dian Fossey, and Jane Goodall. The two distinguished scientists contributed a lot towards the expansion of Primatology. Dian Fossey and Jane Goodall moved out of their comfort zones and ventured into the unknown, and came… Read More

cat and dog on love

Animal reactions GIFs are always fun to watch. More so when they tell a funny story! If you’re an avid lover of animals and reaction gifs on reddit and other websites, you’re gonna love this post! Had a bad weekend? Or are you getting the Monday blues? No matter how old you are, you will get reminded… Read More

give dogs spoken commands with gestures

Dogs and humans have been living together for more than 20,000 years! You’d think we have already learnt all about one another in this time, but it turns out that most dog owners and pet lovers still don’t know some basic but crucial facts about their dogs. Some of these little-known facts will not only… Read More

How much do you know about Gorillas? Chances are that, if you happen to live outside Africa, you have only seen a Gorilla in a zoo or on T.V.  Did you know that the Gorilla is the closest cousin to Man after Bonobo, and the common Chimpanzee? Do you also know that Gorillas are Gentle… Read More

Buying a new pet can be a challenging decision. As you might expect, a pet changes every aspect of your home. Hence it’s very important to arm yourself with the correct information before making the big step. This article answers crucial questions which every ‘expectant’ pet owner must ask. Do you want an energetic pet… Read More

Working is part and parcels of our lives as human beings. It is the reason why we have to get out of the bed every morning no matter how it might be tempting to do otherwise. If you hate your 9 to 5 schedule, it might interest you to know that you are lucky to… Read More

adorable batdog is fierce

Text From Dog is an extremely funny tumblr blog where October Jones, the author of the blog gets texts from his bulldog. It’s one of the most popular site for dog lovers and pet owners. He says: “My dog and I are so happy that people are enjoying the texts,although he feels he deserves more of the… Read More

curled hedgehog in hand

Hedgehogs make cute pets! Don’t you love it when a baby hedgehog curls up in your palms like a spiky ball? While they adore playing with humans, hedgehogs care and love other pets too! Hedgehogs not only bring in a world of cuteness in our homes but they also prey on common garden pests and… Read More