cow gives 200000 milk glasses

Animals never cease to fascinate us. We often forget that we live in a world filled with amazing animals. Every creature in the animal kingdom has its own unique traits that we identify with. However, like humans, you can never judge an animal by it’s appearance. If you did, you’d be surprised on learning how… Read More

Takin in Tibetan himalayas

The Himalayas is a mountain range than spans across countries like India, Tibet, China and their neighboring countries. Thanks to the massive size of the Himalayas, it’s home to a wide variety of animals. Some of these Himalayan animals are native to the range. i.e. these animals cannot be found in any other part of the world. Since the Himalayas have… Read More

Bees are found in all continents except Antarctica. The most common types of Bees are the European, and African bees. The African and European bees belong to the same species: Apis Melliferasa. Despite belonging to the same species, they have evolved to have different behaviors and adaptations. Here are some of the differences between the… Read More

Recently, TIME magazine published a picture of woman breastfeeding her baby,16641,20120521,00.html. The picture attracted a lot of criticism from various quarters.  Naturally, breastfeeding is a way of bondage between the mother and the baby. This bondage usually last for a life time. If you find that you love your mother more than your father, it… Read More

Panda's legendary tale

Perhaps the most important aspects of  2012 was that the internet bowed down to the might of animals. Cat and dog pictures have taken over major institutions of internet like Reddit, YouTube, Facebook etc. You can’t escape these adorable creatures. No, really. As we bid adieu to the eventful year that was 2012, here are the top… Read More

Promachoteuthis sulcus Squid

Deep seas are probably the only places on earth where man hasn’t yet encroached upon nature. There is a good reason for that. High pressure, ocean currents, total darkness, dangerous creatures etc. don’t really appeal as a hospitable place to humans. However, photos and studies from deep sea explorers, divers and oceanographists never cease to… Read More

Ever since human beings first domesticated animals more than 20,000 years ago, the partnership between the two has grown in leaps and bounds. One of the areas, domesticated animals have served human beings is entertainment.  Plutarch, A Greek essayist, historian, and biographer wrote of a dog-named Zoppico who used to perform for Emperor Vespasian over… Read More