Which is the biggest living creature on earth? It is a question that has dazzled man since the early ages. People often wonder about the Earth’s biggest fish, herbivore, cat, bird, reptile etc. Do you know that the Earth’s biggest water animal is not a fish or that the World’s biggest bird cannot fly? Read… Read More
Posts Tagged: Wild Animal
Butterflies are magical creatures! They are one of the most beautiful insects of the animal kingdom. Not many animal lovers are aware of the fact that Butterflies have an extraordinary life cycle! Here is a brief description of each stage of the butterfly life cycle! Butterflies have always captured our imaginations. They come in hundreds of… Read More
Tigers are one of the most majestic creatures on earth. Even though tiger is the largest cat on earth, it is an endangered animal. Thousands of tigers have been killed by hunters and poachers in the last century. Most of the 3500 tigers alive today are found in Asian countries like India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Thailand etc…. Read More
Nature is known for extremes, whereas some components of nature dazzles, others leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Some animals are just ugly- it seems that nature conspired against them; just have a look at some of the animals’ pictures inside
Animals are remarkable athletes! Their athletic skills and abilities are far superior than those of humans. Keeping this in in mind, we decided to host Animal Olympics this year! The competition was intense and neck-to-neck. Here is the ultimate list of the Champions of the Animal Kingdom. 1. Cheetah – The fastest land animal on… Read More
Penguins are aquatic flightless birds living in the southern hemisphere especially in Antartica. They are highly adapted for life in the water, their wings have become flippers! Most penguins eat krill, fish, squid, and other animals underwater. They spend half of their lives in land and half in the oceans. They are not only found… Read More
Wild baby animals from all around the world
Did you knit a mouse? Then give yourself a pat on the back – and let us know below. But if you missed the appeal, it’s not too late: Battersea still need more, so get out the needles and cast off…
The Bavarian cow became a celebrity when she escaped from her farm and managed to elude capture for three months. Finally a farmer spotted Yvonne on his farm . She did not go quietly to her new home at an animal sanctuary, according to the Guardian; she had to be tranquilized and loaded onto a… Read More
According to a recent survey and research, the population of these African elephants, that currently number around 600,000, is decreasing by about 38,000 each passing year. These figures have been calculated using the annual number of illegal tusk seized, which have significantly exceeded the elephant birth rate, meaning these mammals could face complete extinction within… Read More