Posts Tagged: Wild Animal

Tiny parasitic wasps could be used as pesticides to protect crops after researchers carried out the most detailed ever study of the creatures. A group of scientists who sequenced the genomes of three parasitic wasp species say their work has revealed that the tiny insects have features useful for both pest control and medicine, and… Read More

One type eats small fish and lives in closely-related pods, the other eats marine mammals such as dolphins and is related to the Antarctic killer whale. If the two continue on the same trajectory, they could evolve into two different species and conservation efforts will need to be focused on each separately, the researchers claim…. Read More

With their formidable six-feet wingspan and hefty undercarriage, a swan looks as reliably airborne as anything else around Heathrow. But every autumn and winter on the M25, crash-landing juvenile swans cause as much traffic congestion as car accidents. The worst black spot is junction 13, where the motorway crosses the Thames, and where the Highways… Read More